AMN Movement Intelligence Certification

AMN Movement Intelligence Certification

AMN Movement Intelligence

As the industry progresses we look for new ways to work with our clients in order to make them function, move and feel good about themselves. Just looking aesthetically pleasing in not going to be what everyone comes to a personal trainer for, especially if by the end of it you have poor movement.

“There is a difference then between a ‘move’ and movement.’ The postures, shapes and moves are structures through which the movement stream occurs”- Adam Rae Ursell

 I attended the AMN Movement Intelligence Certification with Adam after working with a few new slightly older clients, played sport to a high standard in their youth but through injury now do not move so well. One client in particular came to me wanting to loose weight and strengthen different muscles but only able to train with me once a week. Through our initial consultation talking about training history, nutrition, injuries and goals I found he was a keen golfer and also enjoyed taking his dog for a walk- short walks due to injuries. We discussed this further and found he had not played golf for a long time; his knees and back were not up to the challenge. We decided 1 hour a week I was not going to be able to make huge changes to his lifestyle- especially training him at his home, so our aim was to get him moving better. We worked once a week with different movements and he slowly increased his dog walks until 6 weeks later he was back on the golf course. Not only was he expending more energy because his day-to-day movement increased but also he was able to start playing a sport again.

 Using Movement Intelligence with all different clients we are not only going to build coordination but build strength in different planes of movement, you can be working in the sagittal and transverse planes whilst performing one movement. As these would be more complex movements it would also be more neurologically challenging, meaning the brain would be working a lot harder and can be easily transferred over to other activities.

Throughout the Movement Intelligence Certification weekend we worked through a series sections with each of movements giving me ideas of how I could use them with clients going forward. The sections are:

  1. Joint articulation and sequencing
  2. Structure Sequence
  3. Dynamic complex movements
  4. Complex Conditioning
  5. Movement freedom

Each section is taught through movement with the theory taught alongside. For more information on the course visit their website:

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