Stress is more common than ever in todays world. Common triggers such as work, mortgages, relationships and finance all contribute to stress. The body responds to these stresses by triggering adrenal responses.
This response is known as the fight or flight response, whereby glycogen in the liver and muscles are activated for use as a quick energy source. This response was used very efficiently in caveman days when they where attacked by wild animals and needed to either run away or fight. We still have this same response to stress, however, we do not need to run away or fight so modern responses can lead to loss of muscle mass, increased fat storage and over eating.
Another hormone released when under stress is cortisol, this can make weight loss difficult. High levels of cortisol attack muscle mass, slowing your metabolism. Additionally, unwanted cortisol release results in the storage of fat around the abdominal area.
Stress also leads us to over eat, usually the wrong sorts of foods. Foods that make us feel good for the 5 minutes we eat them will also add more stress to the body and make us feel even worse once digested.
Tips to cut out some stresses in your life:
- Keep a journal
- Utilise Magnesium
- Practice deep breathing
- Try meditation
- Go for a walk
- 1 square of 80% dark chocolate
- Schedule time for exercise
- Look at your nutrition